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20589 Discussions

GLSL Shader bug - HD3000 Win7 64bit driver



Caveat - I'm not the author of the code below, and neither do I fully understand it. However what I do know is that the HD3000 fails to produce the expected output, whilst other hardware (including my old XP laptop with an ATI x700 OpenGL 2.1 card, and the authors OpenGL 4.1 Nvidia card) does. The part of the code that does not seem to be processed as expected is designed to place and rotate a decal texture on a 3d models base texture. The placement works, the rotation value (defined as a float (Decal1_Rotation) is picked up and bound to the model correctly, but the value passed to the shader appears to be ignored. No errors are reported to the host application.

uniform sampler2DuColorMap;uniform sampler2DuNormalMap;uniform sampler2DuEffectsMap;uniform sampler2DuDecalMap;

varying vec2 vTexCoord;varying vec3 vEyeVector; // These are all in tangent spacevarying vec3 vLight0Vector;varying vec3 vLight1Vector;

// Constants

const float KspecExponent = 5.0;

const vec3 kLampColorNoAlert = vec3(0);

const vec3 kLampColorYellowAlert = vec3(0.9926, 0.9686, 0.7325);

const vec3 kLampColorRedAlert = vec3(1.0, 0.1, 0.0);

// Uniforms from Oolite

uniform float uTime;

uniform intalertlevel; uniform intdamage_amount;

uniform float hull_heat_level;

uniform float engine_power;

uniform vec4 PaintColor1; // used with paintmask map to tint diffuse texture

uniform vec4 PaintColor2; // used with paintmask map to tint diffuse texture

uniform vec4 Decal1_Scale_and_Position; // position & scale settings for decal 1

uniform float Decal1_Rotation; // rotation settings for decal 1

// Irregular flickering function


# define Pulse(v, ts) ((v) * 0.95)

# define Blink_on_off(value) (1.0)

# else

float Pulse(float value, float timeScale) { float t = uTime * timeScale;

float s0 = t; s0 -= floor(s0); float sum = abs( s0 - 0.5);

float s1 = t * 0.7 - 0.05; s1 -= floor(s1); sum += abs(s1 - 0.5) - 0.25;

float s2 = t * 1.3 - 0.3; s2 -= floor(s2); sum += abs(s2 - 0.5) - 0.25;

float s3 = t * 5.09 - 0.6; s3 -= floor(s3); sum += abs(s3 - 0.5) - 0.25;

return (sum * 0.1 + 0.9) * value; }

// Hull Temperate heat glow effect

vec3 TemperatureGlow(float level) { vec3 result = vec3(0);

result.r = level; result.g = level * level * level; result.b = max(level - 0.7, 0.0) * 2.0; return result; }

// Blink_on_off_function.

float Blink_on_off(float timeScale)


float result = step(0.5, sin(uTime * timeScale));

return 0.5 + result;


// Cyan color exhaust glow effect

vec3 cyanGlow(float level)


vec3 result; result.rgb = vec3(0.2, 0.7, 0.9) * level * 1.5; return result; }

// Red/Orange color heated metal effect

vec3 redGlow(float level)


vec3 result; result.rgb = vec3(1.5, 0.55, 0.2) * level * 1.3; return result;


# endif

void Light(in vec3 lightVector, in vec3 normal, in vec3 lightColor, in vec3 eyeVector,

in float KspecExponent, inout vec3 totalDiffuse, inout vec3 totalSpecular)


lightVector = normalize(lightVector);

vec3 reflection = normalize(-reflect(lightVector, normal));

totalDiffuse += gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.rgb * lightColor * max(dot(normal, lightVector), 0.0);

totalSpecular += lightColor * pow(max(dot(reflection, eyeVector), 0.0), KspecExponent);


# define LIGHT(idx, vector) Light(vector, normal, gl_LightSource[idx].diffuse.rgb, eyeVector, KspecExponent, diffuse, specular)


// function to read in the colour map then scale and position the decal map onto it.


"the_decaliser" - this function scales & positions the decal image using data passed

to it from the main shader


vec4 the_decaliser(vec4 Your_Decal_Settings, f...

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3 Replies

To start working on this problem more details are needed.

It is unclear what corruptions are observed and what does it mean "but the value passed to the shader appears to be ignored". We do not know the OpenGL state (that sometimes affect the compiled code) nor the corresponding vertex shader either.

Additional details and the original application or simplified application that reproduce the problem is needed to further understand the issue.

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Thanks for the reply Robert_U

The application is the open source and free to download game Oolite.

Link to Windows Installer - BerliOS Download - The Open Source Mediator

The models exhibiting the problem are in an optional add-on - the download is in two parts.

Download and install the game, before unzipping the additional downloads and copying the folders ending .oxp to the games AddOns folder. Launch the game. After a splash screen a model that demonstrates the problem will be displayed on screen.

The issue is with the little skull and crossbones decal, which is not responding to values passed to the model's shader which should change its rotation/orientation in relation to the model. As said it works on other hardware.

The values are set up in a Config file called shipdata.plist which is in the Griff_Shipset_Addition download. At line 2860 you will see this entry. Changes to the value of the "Decal1_Rotation" uniform binding should alter the orientation of the skull and crossbones but doesn't on the HD3000. On the other hand the shader is correctly processing the value passed by "Decal1_Scale_and_Position".

shaders = {"griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_diffuse_spec.png" = {"fragment_shader" = "griff_cobra_mk3_player.fragment";textures = ("griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_diffuse_spec.png","griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_normal.png","griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_effects.png","griff_player_decal.png");uniforms = {"Decal1_Rotation" = {type = float;value = "-0.73840";};"Decal1_Scale_and_Position" = {type = vector;value = "0.59 0.2 9.6";};PaintColor1 = {scale = "0.17";type = randomUnitVector;};PaintColor2 = {scale = "0.17";type = randomUnitVector;};alertlevel = alertCondition;"damage_amount" = damage;"engine_power" = speedFactor;"hull_heat_level" = hullHeatLevel;uColorMap = {type = texture;value = 0;};uDecalMap = {type = texture;value = 3;};uEffectsMap = {type = texture;value = 2;};uNormalMap = {type = texture;value = 1;};uTime = universalTime;};"vertex_shader" = "griff_normalmap_ships.vertex";};};

The fragment (which was the code posted above) and vertex shader files referenced are both in the Griff_Shipset_Resources download.

I hope that's enough to get you going. If you need to look at the games source code see ad9c410224b1c4de081bd641a6a247c8d WebSVN - oolite-linux - Rev 5028 - /tags/1.76.1/src/SDL/

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Hello, smurphdude!

I decided to try to give your issue a shot and see if it would happen on my intel system. I think I'm really close to a breakthrough, but I'm confused in regards to your final step in which you say, "On the other hand the shader is correctly processing the value passed by 'Decal1_Scale_and_Position'."

Could you please provide specific step-by-step instructions on how to check that the shader is correctly processing the value, both in code and in game? If it's important, I'm using a python as my ship with skull and crossbones.

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