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Is my SSD 510 drive dead?

New Contributor

I purchased two 120GB SSDs Intel 510 Series.

SSDs were installed in different computers.

The 1st drive was installed on an ASUS P8Z68-M PRO motherboard, as my operating system drive (Win 7 x64), using on port 0 respectively of the Intel controller. The SSD was in AHCI mode. I ran Intel's SSD Toolbox followed by running the SSD Optimizer for drive. It was all ok. System worked 100% fine for about a month.

However, once the drive fails to boot. The BIOS recognized the SSD, but it seems that the drive doesn`t have partition. I tried to make partition with the Parted Magic and the Acronics software's, but it doesn't recognize the SSD.

Then I tried to install SSD in other PC (ASUS P8H67-M PRO, Win 7x64, with my 2nd SSD Intel 510), same things. BIOS does see this drive, Windows and Intel's SSD Toolbox doesn`t see the drive. I mount my 2nd drive (Intel 510) in the 1st PC (ASUS P8Z68-M PRO) at same port, it works well.

It looks like the problem is in the 1st drive.

Does this indicate a bad drive?