Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2061 Discussions

Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued.


After a particularly useless conversation with Intel support I thought I would post here to see if anyone can help.

While it running demanding applications i.e. gaming I'm getting lags or crashes. Windows event viewer shows this exact error every time, most commonly two or three times per crash.

I have tried:

Disabling all types of power management, in registry and in BIOS

Enabling and disabling hot plug for the drives

Both intel RST and generic windows AHCI drivers

Resetting windows

Changing virtual memory allowance

Making more space in the drives

BOTH drives are crashing when applications run from them.

I really don't think this is a hardware issue because both drives have been checked incl. Chkdsk /r with no errors reported.

I don't get any hang ups when running furtest or other benchmarking / stresstesting tools.

CPU has been tested with no errors, ditto with memory.

I don't think the problems occurred before I upgraded my processor, which included upgrading the BIOS version.

I have attached SSU file if that helps.

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2 Replies

I now believe that this was a power issue with the hard drive, this was probably the first signal of a failing drive.

Although, I swapped to a hard drive with an existing copy of windows and settings so there may be a driver issue that I never found. The hard drive is RMA'd and I'm working with a fresh OS. Good luck to anyone with the same issue.

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Hello akb36



Thank you for joining the support community and for sharing this information with us



I hope this information helps other peers






Leonardo C.


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