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Unable to Run RealSense via OpenCV on R200 and SR300


I am trying to run the real sense sample as provided @

Even Japanese language should not be such an obstacle for one to make the project. While build and compile work fine, running does not work. Some of the errors are like below:


First of all I can not run it on r200 model at all. In case of sr300, in some cases the sample runs fine, while in others, it simply crashes as mentioned above.

I do have installed Win Pro 10, version 1607

I have installed also SDK 2016 R2 ( for R200 (runtime + runtime core)-- current version of the SDK as well as 2016 R3 (v. / essentials only is installed two, IDE is in this case VS 2015 Pro. 64 bit,

Any help highly appreciated. Mladen

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

The R200 will only work with the R2 SDK, as support for it was removed from the R3 SDK (which now supports the F200 and SR300). I note though that you say that you cannot get the sample to work with R200 at all (even in the R2 SDK, I guess). I have seen reports where OpenCV has been successfully used with the R200, so it is possible to do it.

The sample below was tested as working with R200, and the author thought it should work with other camera models too. Have you tried this one yet? Code Sample: Use LibRealSense and OpenCV* to stream RGB and Depth Data | Intel® Software

View solution in original post

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The R200 will only work with the R2 SDK, as support for it was removed from the R3 SDK (which now supports the F200 and SR300). I note though that you say that you cannot get the sample to work with R200 at all (even in the R2 SDK, I guess). I have seen reports where OpenCV has been successfully used with the R200, so it is possible to do it.

The sample below was tested as working with R200, and the author thought it should work with other camera models too. Have you tried this one yet? Code Sample: Use LibRealSense and OpenCV* to stream RGB and Depth Data | Intel® Software

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The sample mentioned in the context was re-tested again this time successfully working with R200 and with the SW and HW as on the capture screen above.

Thank you very much for the fruitful answer and cooperation and I am sorry for the late reply. Mladen

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Honored Contributor III

Don't worry about the delay in responding - I understand how busy life can get! I'm glad you got the sample working. Please come back to the forum any time that you have further questions.

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Well thanks for the assistance anyway. However, personally and professionally I wish i could rely more on your forums but can not due to the following:

Things I ve learned so far regarding Intel SR300 and R200 products with SDK on Win10 platform:

1. E.g. tutorials made by Jacob Pennock regarding the camera setup like ones @

were simply given to Intel a couple years ago. With all the files Intel needed to create something like Projection or mapping between x,y, and z coordinates and I guess

bunch of other functionality regarding rgb and depth camera. So, when "facing any sort of the questions"

instead of sometimes of coming back to the forum any time that I might have further questions I d rather contact the author directly.

2. In general, thinking or guessing when the realsense SDK from intel is going to be replaced with a

"completely new sdk" within say reasonable time framework like next 12-18 months is another "pain". Apart from that,

clarifying the new functionality and distinguishing them from the previous one is I suppose something expect-able.

In other words, as long as the one finds the time to have deeply look into "any sort" of examples, like one you provided in the context above

or any example found on the net, one(say myself) seems to be left on himself how and where to get the right information.

3. Intel Realsense SDK vs open source communities like librealsense and the work of other enthusiasts like one

(a@) or

(b@) Mona Jalal <</span>>

sometimes just bring the confusion more then necessary in the way whether to follow SDK or librealsense.

As long as the main appeal points of both not clarified, again the developer seems to be left on his own.

(@c) SR300 is not working(is not recognized) with Camera Explorer

and bring the devs to a kind of misleading based on answers provided by Leonardo R. or Jesus Garcia @ Intel like in case of 480778 480778

"Intel RealSense engineers are working on this issue and we will communicate the solution when it is available"

4. as the best example: probably clarify u much more what I am talking about.

Having such a serious product like sr300 with unstable driver versing win editions is hard to imagine

There are many other issues of course that are simply omitted due to the time limit. So I hope you will consider my comments in the positive way and work on the issues hard.


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Honored Contributor III

I'm not an employee of Intel and so my influence in such matters is limited. I do know though that Intel support staff read feedback by users on this forum and pass it to the appropriate departments.

Whilst the new D415 and D435 cameras are apparently not compatible with the existing SDKs and use a new SDK, this does not mean that the existing SDKs will immediately become obsolete overnight. Some cameras may get naturally retired over time and new ones - such as the D415 and D435 - added to the range. So it is likely that the R2 and R3 SDKs will gradually fade out as the cameras that use them age and reach retirement.

A parallel with what is happening is the online virtual world Second Life. It launched in 2004 and now a sequel 'SL 2' called Sansar that is much more advanced and uses virtual reality headsets has just launched. Yet Sansar will run parallel alongside SL 1 instead of replacing it until SL 1's user-base naturally falls over time to a level that no longer justifies keeping it open.

I believe Intel recognize that there was a slightly confusing and awkward to support situation with the RealSense SDK vs Librealsense. According to the promo page for the D415 and D435, these new cameras use a "cross-platform, open source RealSense SDK". There are no more details other than that yet about the new SDK, but it sounds promising.

I'm optimistic that the new cameras will provide an opportunity to reach a stable plateau for RealSense developers and then use that as a launching pad for even greater achievements with the possibilities provided by the new features. Once I write an instruction manual for it. (joke)

Thanks so much for your thoughts!

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Finally, the answer quality level has been approving. Well I guess this is the level of the answer I did sort of expect. Nice. Thank you.

FY additional I, this is part of the correspondence on the same issue between me and David Rosenbusch <</span>>

where he also points out to the additional issue he did face. This is what he says:

If you are very unlucky (like we were) you may even have a hardware-defect. We had to have the USB-Cable on the device replaced because there was a broken part.

Symptoms of that were that the camera would stop working after moving it around a bit.

Hope I could help, kind regards,


Last but not least in my case R200 only did work with the example above, while SR300 was exactly as David writes: " were that the camera would stop working after moving it around a bit." I did face kind of very same situation(putting the camera on the table facing down-up would work, while putting it on the PC would not work). As the result i could hardly to explain to my boss(even to myself hardly to believe).


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